Many professional graphic designers and artists
BY: Casa Advisor Editors | November 26, 2016 | 0Comment | 0 Like
There are two main reasons people utilize the web: to share things and to be informed. Sure, we could pick up a newspaper or switch on the television, but I’d argue that it’s much easier to whip out your phone or laptop to find info.
The wonderful thing about the web is that you’re never alone. No matter your interests, there’s probably a group of like-minded individuals who have made your interests available online. The most popular way of doing this is via blogging.
With news websites and most blogs, you don’t need a journalism degree, you just need an interest and a passion. Other than specific interests, blogs show their personality in their layouts and designs. Today, we want to showcase some of these wonderful blogs that have amazing and beautiful designs.
Many professional graphic designers and artists are familiar with the American Institute of Graphic Arts. They promote professionalism and enhancement for all graphic artists of any form. Their blog is a typical grid and block based blog with some wonderful, modern stylistic components.